Preparing for Your First Discovery Call (and the ones that follow)

discovery call

I’ve noticed a trend with my new coach clients lately. As they get excited about their visions for their new practices, people around them get excited too and start referring before my clients feel ready.

This is not a bad thing. It’s a sign of the viability of their ideas and people wanting to work with them. It’s feedback from the universe that they are on the right track.

Enrollment conversations can be scary, though, especially when you don’t feel ready. They can leave you scrambling, feeling overwhelmed or less than confident going into the call. It is an option to postpone these calls, but most of my clients decide to go ahead when the opportunities come.

Your first Discovery Call does not have to be intimidating. When you feel prepared and have a plan, you will be more focused and confident. Here are some things I recommend you include in your plan.

Know Your Logistics

You will want to be ready to get your new client started when they enroll at the end of the call. Things you will need to be prepared with include:

  • Times you can schedule
  • How you will meet – by phone, online or in person
  • Fees and Fee Structure – packages, monthly, etc. Be sure to keep it simple.
  • Payment methods – Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, Credit cards, auto billing, etc.

Create a Short Bio

If the client doesn’t know you, you will need to introduce yourself to them. Get clear on what you want to share. It may include the story of your journey to becoming a coach and credentials or background that helps them feel confident in your ability to help them. Keep it short and simple, maybe a couple minutes or less.

Outline the Flow of the Call

Having an outline for the flow of your call will ensure you remember the things you want to cover and stay focused to use the time wisely. If you want a head start on this, check out the one I made here.

Create a Discovery Call Doc

Even after 20 years of coaching, I keep a document in front of me during consultations to help me stay on track. I recommend you include:

  • Your business mission
  • Bio
  • Call outline
  • Fees
  • And, a reminder to schedule an appointment and take the payment at the end of the call. You might be so excited you forget. I know it’s happened to me.

Your Pre-Call Ritual

The most important thing about your enrollment conversations is how you show up. Potential clients will want to get a feeling for who you are and if you can support them and it’s more challenging for them to do that if you are feeling nervous or ungrounded. Here are some things that can help you feel more confident and represent yourself well on these calls.

  • Keep lists of your qualifications and successes and read through them before the call
  • Remind yourself of the value of what you offer
  • Take some time for meditation, deep breathing or other centering practices
  • Let go of expectations for specific results and focus on what is for your clients highest good
  • Set an intention for the call
  • Relax and have fun!

I also have a blog post on preparing for these calls that you can read here.

And, a Quick Tip

You don’t need a sales pitch or fancy closing question at the end. Simply ask, “What do you think?”. It works for me and I bet it will work for you too.

If you would like the support of an experienced professional coach in refining your Discovery Call process or other areas of starting a coaching practice, I would love to talk to you. You can reach me here.

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