Small Steps Will Get You to Success


steps going up stairs to success

If you are like most people there are times when you move quickly toward your goals like a hare and others when you just plug along in tortoise mode.  So, how do you plan action steps for your goals that will work with both your tortoise and hare energy?

You keep the action steps easy and small.  Very small.  Here is an example:

Goal: Name your book


  1. Brainstorm and list ideas
  2. Search existing titles at or other book resources
  3. Review websites related to your book subject
  4. Check Google analytics or similar sites to evaluate your ideas
  5. Narrow down your list
  6. Take the remaining ideas and check them for viability (see: Creating Marketing Materials )
  7. Ask for feedback or do a survey
  8. Listen to your heart and make a choice 

This list of steps may take weeks or be completed in a day.    The important thing is that instead of setting your tortoise self up to feel like a failure, you have created a map that shows progress and achievement every step of the way.  A plan of action with small steps can also prevent inertia and feeling overwhelmed.   Be sure to commit to completion times or doing at least one step a day or week to keep your forward momentum going.

So, go ahead and start creating the action plan for your goal.   What will your first small step be?

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  1. Next, brainstorm potential goals, objectives, and activities for each priority. Consider what strategies will be used to achieve the goals and objectives, as well as the resources (including staff, budget, equipment, and technical assistance) needed to carry out the plan. Think about the criteria that will be used to judge the effectiveness of the plan. How will you measure progress toward your goal? How will you ensure accountability? Your team may use specific quality tools and techniques to assist in brainstorming potential goals, objectives, strategies, and/or activities for your plan of action.

  2. the tortoise and hare dichotomy really makes sense to me and yet I would love to determine if there is a pattern to those situation where i am a tortoise and those where I am a hare

    • I bet there is. Probably with a mental,emotional, or physical foundation. The first step might be to track the pattern.

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