10 Great Ways to Add Fuel to Your Business Launch

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It’s time to let the world know about the wonderful service that you are offering.   Start talking about your business everywhere you go.  Here are some proven ways to get the word out:

  1. Launch party
  2. Email everyone you know and ask them to spread the word
  3. Announce it on social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In
  4. Share what you do in related Facebook and Linked In groups
  5. Send out press releases
  6. Offer to speak before groups
  7. Put flyers and brochures where your target market spends time
  8. Talk to everyone you meet about what you do and have business cards on hand
  9. Attend networking and Chambers of Commerce meetings and share what  you do
  10. Look for opportunities to cross market with other professionals or businesses
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